
Winding down...and soon winding up

Almost the end of the school year. May 28, and I will be free....for less than two weeks. After that, I will be volunteering at the local library. Which is fun. I really like being there, its nice and quiet...even when the youth section is stuffed to overflowing with kids. And the other girls that volunteer are fun, too. I am the oldest volunteer there, but that's fine and dandy. Only some of them act their age. I have this feeling that there is going to be a summer assignment for me, as well. What with me deciding I could do an AP class next year. As you can see, waiting for summer as if there is no tomorrow.

And I have decided to learn how to spin (that is why I am the not so average). And by spinning, I mean to make yarn of my own. I am more excited than it seems, really. Possibly, more excited than I should be...if I were normal at all. And maybe, after I am done, I will find a pattern for a lamb amigurumi and make it. With my homespun, all natural yarn. I know it will probably look bad at first...because I have never spun, but you never know. :)



The Japanese art of crocheting small dolls or animals. I haven't ever attempted one before...but now is the time for me to try. And what more - I'm not using a real pattern.

Why? Because I'm not. I don't have any real reason why I'm not...except that I tend to do things the hard way. No offense meant, but I think it might have something to do with hanging around to many Floridians. I want to make a doll that's like me...which will be hard. I am well-endowed, short, and stumpy with red and black hair. But it will be fun. But I don't have red yarn, so I think I might just go with teal blue...because I can (and I have that), with black underneath...like my hair really is. And I have plenty of googly eyes to go around, so that won't be hard.

YAY! So, that's what I am up to today.


Friday Nights

Friday nights I spend at home. I don't talk to people, and I don't go anywhere. I sit and listen to my music while hitting the stumble button on my internet browser over and over and over again. Tonight, I remembered something that I stumbled upon awhile ago. It was directions to make a plastic 'yarn' from plastic grocery bags. The actual crocheting is harder than it looks, but I did just barely start. In a few days, when I have the whole thing finished, I will type up directions and take pictures to post...cause that's how I roll.

I am so tired. But I won't be able to get to sleep. I will lay down and toss and turn in the room while trying to get to sleep, but I know I won't ever actually get there. Oh well...guess I will work on my bag for now...I think I need more plastic grocery bags....